Ways Compensation Motivates and Influences

When thinking of how compensation influences an individual’s decisions the first thing that comes to mind is growing up my Dad had always worked for the same company. He was always loyal to the company he worked for as there were many competitors. However, he was offered a job in a neighboring town and ultimately decided to go for that other job due to the increase in compensation and benefits. He was offered an increased annual salary along with benefits that his prior job did not have. With being a family of six and at the time one kid in college and another going to be in just a couple years he decided to go with the option that would help increase income to help pay for my brothers schooling and save for the next kid. This decision he did not make quickly however they also added on a bonus within the first few months. With this he knew the compensation he would be reciving would be the best thing for our family.

This company also made it clear to him that they would value having him work for their company as they have seen what type of employee he is and how he helped grow the last one.

Ultimately, the compensation was not the only reason why he chose to accept the job offer however it was a huge factor. He thought how this would benefit not only him but his whole family now and in the future. He felt valued by them with the increased compensation they offered. He has been extremely passionate about this company since he joined and now almost 15 years later he is still working for them.

Compensation ultimately affects an individual’s feelings towards making a decision like changing the company you work for. Compensation can make people feel valued and when they feel valued they are more opt to take the compensation and go with the company that believes in them.

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