Blog Post #4
It is more than half way to the end of the quarter. I feel very excited because only 1 more quater and I am done. However, our group is now working on several branches from the main one on github, which is a complicated and stressful process. It is very hard to review and merge…
Blog Post #3
While waiting for an AWS account from our sponsor, our group was able to create an web application and run locally. When executing, the application could create a database, pull data from it, and display them on a web page. Our code collaborations happened via github. Github was a great help in reviewing and maintaining…
After meeting with our sponsor, our group held a group meeting to work on the project plan. It took us sometimes to figure out tasks for each member for each sprint. Understanding QuantConnect Lean was the longest task in sprint 1. However, we were still on track of designing the project.
I have liked to play with a computer since I was a kid. However, I could not have enough confident in pursuing a computer degree until now. My first degree was in Mechanical Engineering. While working as a technician for an aviation company, I took some computer classes and they were turned out easy on…
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