Week 9- Blog Post : Self Reflection

1. What am I good at?
Reflecting on what are my strengths and what it is that I am really actually good at, I would say it would be my interpersonal and communication skills. I have always been an extremely friendly and outgoing person, which I have noticed is an advantage when working with all different types of people. Overall, I think that my ability to talk with anyone and to be able to clearly communicate what it is I am thinking, proves to be one of my biggest strengths.

2. What do I value? Thinking of what I value in my career and job, I value the ability to work your way up in an organization. By this I mean, I want a job that allows me to continuously grow and learn, instead of hitting a dead end where there is no more upward mobility. I also do value money and having a fair compensation package, because ultimately that is what I will be relying on to live and provide for my family.

3. How did I get here? When I started out in college, I wanted to major in Business but had no idea what, so I decided to start with marketing. After taking a few classes, I realized that as much as I like the people side of marketing, I was more interested in accounting and working with both people and numbers. Once I switched to accounting, I came to find I really enjoyed it and wanted to pursue my CPA after graduation, which meant I needed to have two majors to get enough credits. This is when I decided to add a management major because I would be interested in working in a management position in the future.

4. Where am I going? Based on the decisions I have made and the track that I am on, I plan on working for a public accounting firm for the foreseeable future. I also intend on studying for my CPA exams in this next year, in hopes of passing them and becoming a certified public accountant. If I continue on this path and successfully pass my exams, I hope to continue to advance my career and gain experience so I am qualified for future positions that I may want.

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