Week 7- Blog Post: IPIP Results & Reactions

I was not really surprised when I got my results for the test, which said that I scored high in extroversion. All my life I have always considered myself an extrovert because I love to be around people and getting to make new friends. I scored a 55 on the friendliness domain, which matches to my personality because I have always liked to make friends and found it easier to do than most. I scored a 75 on gregariousness, which initially surprised me because it was my highest score out of all the categories. I do enjoy being around other people, but the part that didn’t make much sense was large crowds, because that has never been my favorite environment and is often over stimulating for me. My lowest score was assertiveness, which is interesting because I do speak out often but in general tend to let other take control of activities. In excitement seeking I scored 31, which seems about right because I have never been one to take risks or do anything to dangerous. In the activity level category, I scored a 60, which shows that I am more of an active person that is constantly doing things and am often busy. The last category, cheerfulness, was my second highest at 62. This also is not surprising because I have always been a very positive person who sees the good things in life rather than the bad.

I think that a potential employer who looks at my scores for this test would probably say that my friendliness and gregariousness was a strength. This is because when hiring employees, you want someone who is a team player and able to get along with any type of person. Especially in the field I want to go into, accounting, the majority of work is group and team based, so it is crucial to not only get along with other people but to also work and thrive in that environment. I also think that my low levels of assertiveness could be viewed both as a strength and weakness in certain situations. For example, if I am working on a team sometimes it is better to be able to go along with what the majority wants but at times it is also necessary to be assertive and dominant in some situations. I do think in general, that employers would view low levels of assertiveness as more of a weakness, because you need to be able to stand up and speak out against a group. I also think that my cheerfulness would be considered a strength because having good moral is crucial in any work environment. Overall, I think an employer would see a lot of strengths in my test results, but also a few weaknesses and areas that can be improved.

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