Week 5 – Blog Post: Typical vs. Maximal Performance

If I was a business owner and had to choose between which person, either Avery or Jaime, I wanted to hire, I think I would choose Jaime. When considering which employee I would want to work for me, I personally prefer consistency and being able to know what you are going to get every day with your employees. Although Avery has a high performance ceiling, showing she has the potential to be exceptional in certain situations, her day to day performance is sub par and much worse than Avery who is consistently satisfying expectations on a daily basis.

A type of job that it would be better to hire a worker like Avery, who has high potential, but poor consistency, would be in either a server or waitress position at a restaurant. Since the food industry, particularly restaurants, tend to have very prominent busy times, it is crucial to have an employee that can perform well under extreme pressure for short periods of time. Many restaurants experience busy times on a pretty regular basis, which requires that the employee is able to perform well under pressure and in a time crunch. Another aspect to consider about this job is that restaurants tend to be busier on weekends, which allows for poor consistency in the week to go unnoticed, as long as they perform up to their high potential in certain circumstances. I think that’s why Avery would be better at working in this position than Jaime.

I think a type of job where it would be better to hire someone like Jamie, with low potential but high consistency, would be as a bookkeeper. I think that Jamie would be better in this position because it requires a higher level of consistency and reliability. Jaime does not have as high of potential as Avery, but he does have a significantly better average performance than her. A bookkeeper job requires that you pay great attention to detail and are consistent in your level of accuracy and performance. I think Jamie would be better at this because consistency is critical in this position.

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