Week 3 – Blog Post: Job Descriptions

Looking back to the last job that I had and applied for, the job description did play a role in influencing my decision to apply for that position. I think that the reason that it did have an influence over my decision was because it was very detailed and was quite lengthy. I felt like I really got a better understanding of what exactly I would be doing and what to expect in this position. For me, the more I knew about the job, the more confident I felt in not only my desire to work in this position, but also my confidence in my own abilities to do the job. Another reason it influenced me is that it covered almost all eight sections of a job description. It had information not only about the position itself, but also about work activities, how they would measure work performance, and compensation information. Knowing how much they were paying for the position before applying had a huge effect on my decision to apply. It also explained how overtime worked and other benefits that came with the job.

Overall, my experience on the job was pretty similar to what the job description had said. Every task or activity I did was something that I had already read in the job description. After beginning to work at the company, I never felt like I was being asked to do something that was not included in the job description. I think the only real difference between the job description and the actual job was that I did not know that I would be paid overtime or have opportunities to participate in additional learning opportunities. I honestly think that both of these things added to my experience at this job, and it probably would have encouraged me even more to apply to the position.

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