Week 1- Blog Post: The Case for Recruitment and Selection

One counterpoint argument to the claim made in the mini-lecture video that recruitment and selection is a company’s most important function is that if other factors that contribute to an organization’s success are not functioning properly, then the recruitment and selection process will be irrelevant. As we learned in the lecture this week, in order for an organization to be successful they need to have a quality product, a good reputation of customer service, effective marketing campaigns, and efficient accounting practices. If one of these is not functioning properly then it will hurt the success of the company and make the recruiting and selection process irrelevant.

I think organizations decide to allocate more resources toward their marketing or product design, instead of using those resources for recruitment and selection, is because they are trying to focus on satisfying their customer’s wants and needs. This ties back to what I said earlier, that in order for an organization to be truly successful, they need all aspects of their company to be effective. So although recruitment and staffing are very important, without putting proper resources into their product and marketing they will lose business.

I think that one of the potential strengths of an organization’s decision to not prioritize recruitment and selection in favor of a focus on other aspects of the business is that they diversify their resources and work on developing a well-rounded company that satisfies its customers. For example, if an organization focuses solely on recruiting and staffing than they may have quality employees but without a successful business or product to focus on or develop they would not be useful. On the other hand, if an organization does not put enough resources into recruitment and selection then regardless of how good their product or customer service is, it will be pointless without qualified employees.

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