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Tips for flu season

Posted January 13th, 2014 by UHDS News

During the winter months, we see a rise in stomach flu-like illnesses (aka: Norovirus or Gastroenteritis), especially in a close proximity living environment like a college campus. As you may begin to notice or maybe experience the symptoms of these illnesses around campus, we’d like to reiterate the use of good health habits.

Below are some good health habits to maintain for yourself and your community:

  • If you are sick, feeling sick, or have been around someone who is sick, take appropriate precautions for your safety and the safety of others.
  • The very best method to combat getting stomach-flu types of illnesses is to wash your hands often with soap and hot water, especially after using the restroom or before eating. (Note: Instant hand-sanitizer is not an effective method of protection alone)
  • If you are experiencing a combination of flu-like symptoms (low-grade fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, fatigue, headache, and/or stomach cramping) consult your physician, Student Health Services, or a local health clinic, and stay home.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Practice other good health habits. (Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.)
  • Lastly, if you become ill with Gastroenteritis/Norovirus, stay home for 72 hours after your last symptoms subside. You are still contagious for this entire time, even if you feel better. Your Resident Director can assist you in finding support resources to help you as you recover, such as the Food Buddy program available through MyUHDS, which allows friends to purchase food on your behalf.

If you become ill, and need to miss class, communicate prior to class with your professors to let them know of your absence. Student Health Services does not write notes to professors excusing a student for any absence. If after notifying a professor, and communicating your situation and illness to them, you are still having trouble working out missed course work, talk with your academic advisor or the chair of the department.

Learn more about Norovirus on the CDC website.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact UHDS at (541) 737-4771 or

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