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Archives: January, 2011

In Times of Worship and Fear  January 27th, 2011

In light of the recent attempted bombing of Pioneer Square in Portland, and the resulting burning of a mosque in Corvallis, I question how a person makes the leap from an individual’s actions to holding a whole religion responsible and thus burning a place of worship. As I reflect on the situation, the essay “The Moral Insight” by Josiah Royce comes to mind. Read the rest of this entry »

Changes in Masculinity  January 27th, 2011

Two years ago if you asked me to define what masculinity meant I could have done it relatively easily. I would of described the usual stereotypes of being tough, don’t cry, and to be brave. Today the task of defining what masculinity means to me is much more difficult of a task. Read the rest of this entry »

Learning to Serve  January 27th, 2011

After reflecting on how I identify in the sense of social class, I have started to pay more attention to my access to wealth.  My immediate family is a low income family in a manufactured home neighborhood, aka a trailer park. My extended family, on the other hand, has an abundance of resources. I have been struggling with identifying as lower class, based on my immediate family, or upper middle class with this new consideration of my access to wealth through my extended family. Read the rest of this entry »

Vitamin D: Are You Getting Enough??  January 27th, 2011

The easiest way for our bodies to synthesize Vitamin D is through the sun.  That’s right, the sun.  Therefore, it is not surprising that (in a state where it rains nine months out of the year) many individuals living in Oregon have low Vitamin D levels.

But before you run off to the Bahamas to replenish your depleted Vitamin D stores Read the rest of this entry »

Adjusting your Meal Plan to Meet your Needs  January 11th, 2011

What we eat and when we eat are very personal and each of us has unique dietary needs which means that no single meal plan is going to perfectly fit your situation.

So at the end of fall term some of us had large meal plan balances and some of us used up all of our Dining Dollars and added money to our Orange Rewards account to get through the end of fall term.  Read the rest of this entry »

The End of a New Beginning  January 11th, 2011

This article marks the end of my first term as a Community Relations Facilitator for the residence halls.  Although, with the help of the RA’s great programs have been done within the residence halls, I can’t help but wonder what the rest of my year will look like. Social Justice is not something I can’t just learn or teach and then move on to the next thing in life; it is a process. Read the rest of this entry »

Working With Class  January 11th, 2011

My battle for the last couple of weeks has been around my social class. Looking back on my past, I realize that my experience growing up contains polar opposite dimensions of social class.  I grew up with a family that consisted of a mother, brother, and stepfather. All of us lived in a manufactured home park.  We seemed to barely scratch by every week.  There were a couple of times that we couldn’t afford electricity or water and would have to go to the YMCA to take a shower.  Read the rest of this entry »