MGMT 453: Week 1 – Blog Assignment/Discussion – Blog group 3

As I read through the various employee reviews in the article, 2020 Fortune Best Companies To Work For, something very unique struck me. When I think of successful businesses, I think of companies that have an extremely focused environment aimed at attaining goals. As I read through reviews of the companies, I found that most reviews involved its employees detailing how much it is a pleasure working for a company that cares about them and values its employees. Any company, they must place much of its focus on covering its bottom line and sustaining sufficient profitability in order to keep the business functioning. One of the many key aspects that differentiates these businesses from many is their focus on their HR Department which aims to take care and value their employees, which in turn reduces the turnover rate of its employees and allows for a better work environment. I gained much insight from this article into the importance an HR Department holds in a company. Having a strong Human Resource Department that seeks to develop relationships/provide what is needed for their employees can translate into a more sustainable work culture that benefits other organizational aspects of the business.

My goal one day is to own my Grandfather’s wholesale produce company, and one thing that I have thought about often and have tried working on is the leader that I wish to be. The one goal I wish to have if I were in a managerial position would be impartial with all the individuals I deal with. The one quality I appreciate most in people is fairness, and this is something I firmly believe to be one of the best qualities a leader can have. From what I have seen and read, people like to be managed by a person who treats others well and fairly and not by someone who displays favoritism. The second quality I would seek to have in this position would be decisive leadership. I believe a true testament to a person who manages a group of people, and what stands out most is a person’s ability to make decisive decisions in frantic moments and does so with much composure. As a manager and effectively the leader of the team, it is that person’s responsibility to communicate and make the final decision. A goal of mine as a manager would be able to make these difficult decisions decisively and with much composure to ensure my team’s confidence in me. HR Department would play a role in the overall work culture of the business, but it would be up to leadership and those in managerial positions to uphold those values to have a sustainable more efficient company.

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