Week 8 Blog Post

After taking these tests it made me realize certain coping tools that I use when I am stressed out. Whenever I am in a stressful situation I tend to try and come up with solutions as soon as possible, and this usually results in isolating myself from others and taking much time to understand the situation I am in and the things I can do to better help myself. I have spoken to a few doctors that have all told me that stress is one of the worst things that can happen to one’s health and cause significant issues. I understand that stress is apart of life and as I am soon entering the workforce I understand that there will be times where I will be in certain high-level stress situations. During these times I believe it will be important to manage stress in an appropriate manner without it resulting in negative implications. Whenever I have been in stressful situations the one thing that I often to is isolate myself and the situation consumes much of my thoughts. I find it is good to try and come to a solution for these types of problems and take the time to be alone, but with that said it is also good to find another outlet whether it be working out, speaking with friends, and family. I believe employers now more then ever understand the negative implications associated with stress, and companies are providing benefits for employees by giving them PTO as well as resources to use if they find themselves to be in a stressful state of mind over long periods of time.

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