Category: Uncategorized

  • Success Through The Embrace of the Unique!

    During my tenure at Oregon State University, I’ve had numerous opportunities to lead diverse teams using my own meta-cognitive structures of leadership. Each implementation, whether successful or not, has been a learning experience in achieving defined outcomes. To cut to the chase, my most significant success in this course lies in seamlessly integrating project requirements…

  • Using ChatGPT in my project!

    Hello all, Based on the title of this blog, you could hazard a guess that I am going to write about ChatGPT in my project. Aside from using ChatGPT to assist in other daily tasks such as writing letters, mild research and the occasional gen z slang formatted text message, I have used ChatGPT numerous…

  • Hello world! My first blog!

    For my first blog, I wanted to answer the provided sample questions as a way for everybody to become familiar with who I am and what my interests are in the world of computer science. I look forward to reading and learning about everyone else in the course! Tuyo, Dom