A great place to master how to create the conversion rates!

As a good web designer, you have a responsibility to inspire potential customers’ awareness, interest, desire, and to let them take action.
We need to understand what conversion rates is before we start to design our own blog. Conversion rates is a method to calculate how many people visit your website or landing page. Here is the formula: Conversion rate = (conversions / total visitors) * 100%
- First Step: Follow the “NBALPWACG” description, which is the abbreviation of “Never build a landing page without a campaign goal.” To implement this rule, we need to define what your goal is, and this goal should be accomplished as possible as it could. For example, the website I reviewed which is a third-party platform. It is so clear that the website is selling sport gears, such as braces. Better Braces website: https://www.betterbraces.com/
- Second Step: Well, we have already known what our campaign goal is. Next step is to define our target market (audience). Our target market (audience) might be professional athletes or part-time athletes. How can we attract their attention? As an athlete, he/she must find the gear belong to the sports they work for. So, the landing page can have many blocks with images and words to tell people what content you will see after you click it. Tip in second step is to let people search the website easily and fast by setting obvious categories and key words.
- Third Step: After we settled our website down, we can start to classify our customers and potential customers. As the concept of SEO, we can roughly classify our customers to two different types: old members and new potential customers who have not yet register the membership. Based on SEO principle, we know that there are three different traffic types: direct, referral, and search. SEO is like a funnel with filter, our server can recognize who visit our website first time. So, our plan is to divide them to the new visitor page, which has the guideline of how to become our member and policy (discount). If they register for our memberships, they become our members which means that they have already passed the filter (fallen to our trap?).
- Fourth Step: What are we going to do next after the potential customers become our members? Well then, you need to do your best to keep them and to make them purchase more items!!! A few ways might be useful to keep them, such as sending they emails or DM about the discount information. Furthermore, BetterBraces is a company which sells sport gears. So, a better idea is to provide a discount when you purchase over a number, instead of purchase five times, then you get the discount because nobody wants to hurt their body in different parts frequently.
- Final Step: Finally, we probably have done the jobs we need to do, but let me remind you that nothing is perfect. So you need to keep asking yourself three question: What are you offering? Why should I pick you? What do you want me to do next? To optimize your website searching, these question will be helpful when your conversion rates decline because we need to find the internal issue first. Remember, website is like a funnel, so the true customers are who have passed the filter. Keep them and discover the new potential customers!
Reference: https://www.learnworlds.com/customer-education/ https://www.disruptiveadvertising.com/conversion-rate-optimization/conversion-rate/ https://www.quicksprout.com/blog-design/