- The potential hazards that the current model of online advertising presents for society?
After read the assigned readings and videos, I had more cognition about the current model of online advertising presents for society. First of all, many sources provide trustable information that visitors’ privacy right are being challenge because of the current online advertising, especially retargeting. In textbook chapter 7-4, introduces how retargeting works. Personally, cookie is like your footprint in the online world. Some people could do something bad by collecting your personal information, such as preference, record, age, gender to achieve what they want. There is a great example from the real world and our textbook also uses which is Cambridge Analytica. This company did do its corporation responsibility well because it should collect the data from Facebook’s users and report to Facebook, instead of sell users’ personal information. I didn’t notice how serious this problem is until this year because I am a Taiwanese, and we will have the president election in 2020 January. We all have known that some specific groups might use the data from social media to manipulate people’s will from Cambridge Analytica case. To be a professional marketer, I believe these example are valuable in your mind.
- How dangerous the current model of online advertising is?

According to these assigned readings, we know that there are many ways to set ads online. Personally, I would like to rate the current model of online advertising with level 4. To defend my decision, I will use a Taiwanese position to give some examples. 2020 will be an extremely important year for Taiwan because the election of president will be held in January. As far as what I have known, there is a country trying to manipulate the result. This country has invested much money into many organizations and media, and spreads ads in everywhere, such as news, newspaper, and social media. You might want to say what the relationship between online marketing and society issue. The reason why I mention this because every website or product that I have searched could be used by some bad people. Furthermore, have you ever had the experience that you are being monitored? This week, many ads about digital cameras show on my youtube, facebook, and Instagram. I think these information show on these platform because I did many research about camera features these days on Google. As the retargeting principle, this should happen frequently, but I still feel being monitored.
- The ethics you should have if you are the marketer.

1. Keep customers’ information safe. (Personal information: age, address, phone number, etc.)
2. Make sure the ads on your website are safe.
3. Contact with customers when their data are unsecured.
4. You should always check the security of your website.
5. Make sure the content match with the ads.
6. Set the age limit if the ads are sensitive.
7. Should have third-party certification.
8. Make sure the ads show on the right time and right place (rank).
Reference: http://www.digitalnewsreport.org/survey/2019/taiwan-2019/ https://medium.com/swlh/why-ethics-pays-a-reflection-on-current-marketing-practises-d39554ca8538