Lost it.

Me, now

I am sick of all the technicalities. Not really, just getting bored of it. UI is not stimulating. I want to code an algorithm. That’s what get’s me out of bed in the morning. Solving problems. UI is not a problem, just technicalities. Next week I am going to jump into the geolocator aspect of the app. I want to see if I can pinpoint a users location to a specific place and be able to grant special privileges’ based on that location. That is what I need to focus on. After that I can go back to UI.

This week was spend googling different widget after widget to find the exact one I need, finding out how to make font size responsive and just messing up a lot. I am ready to move on to bigger and better stuff. Sorry if my post is shorter then usual. I am going to go to bed….

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