Started Coding!!

Finally… I actually started to do some coding. After getting to know the structure of the program, and learning all about the framework that the app uses. I did what I already knew to do. Started coding the UI. It feels good to add to an actual project. The creators of the app plan on selling it to casinos once it is fully functional. I’ve never worked on something this real before. For the past two years, everything that I’ve created was strictly for class. Most of the programs I can’t even show to anyone else. Now I am in the big leagues. I plan on making an impact on the app, and hopefully I get credit in the app in the work that I do.

I started working on the sign up page, it is tedious work, because it has to look exactly like they want it. It is also a real app, so it must be a responsive design. Meaning I cannot hard code any sizes and stuff onto the app. I have never had to think about the real consequences of my code before. It is nerve-racking, but I love it!

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