Today is the first day of my last quarter in OSU. Yaay! I guess…. I am taking 3 classes. One of them being the “hardest” class in the post bacc for computer science program. 325, Analysis of Algorithms. As you can expect, I am super pumped about that class. No, not really, but I will do my best to suck up all the math and get an A.
The class I am really excited for is the capstone project. Today, I had to pick five projects from a list of like 30-40 projects that I would like to work on. I chose mainly projects that I can complete in flutter. I just took the Mobile Dev class last semester and it is still very fresh, so I feel like I can just get started on the project without much refreshing.
Based on the projects that I chose I will be given a team. I am nervous about what team I get. Last semester, the team I got was not the best experience I have had. The work would not get done until 10-11 PM the night that the assignment is due. I am early to bed, so that was very annoying. Hopefully this team will be more time conscious.
At the end of the day I am super ready to get started on the project!