

Blog Post: Week7

I took the shortened 160 question test that took me around 20 minutes to complete. The report concluded that I have a high level of extraversion, in which I prefer to be around people as much as possible. Next the test concluded that my agreeableness was average which indicates some concerns with other people’s needs but sometimes unwilling to sacrifice my own self for others. To be conscientious, the test indicated that I had a low score, which showed that I love to live in the moment rather than living in the future! This also indicated that my work tends to be unorganized. Lastly the test showed that I had an average level of Neuroticism, which means that level of emotion is relative to others around the country. Sometimes stressful situations can cause myself to become overwhelmed which is well in line with the rest of the country. 

Overall I feel that when working for an employer my biggest weakness will be my low score of conscientiousness. Since I am a pretty messy and disorganized person the test concluded that my work could become disorganized and that would be a key note to employees when they might look at me, versus another candidate that might have a very high level of conscientiousness.  One strength that an employer might look at from this personality test is that I have a high level of extraversion, and in a work setting being extraverted and friendly with everyone is a big positive over someone who is mostly an introvert and might not be the best fit for the company. This is shown in my enthusiasm that I show every single day and that quality that I bring to a company can uplift the company atmosphere and make a better environment for everyone involved! Lastly, my openness to change is extremely high which would be a positive for an employer as it shows that I am a creative and innovative person that can bring those qualities to the company and show that I can think outside the box. This personality test definitely showed me the qualities of myself that would be positive and negative to the workforce! 


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