
Training Effective or not?

In my experience, one training program has stood out for how bad it was. At a previous employer, I was forced to sit at a laptop for a week for 8 hours a day learning about the job. However, the laptop kept lagging which made it very difficult to keep my attention as well as made me tired. When discussing if this was worth it, we can look at the cost versus the benefit, I did not learn much from the training, so was it a waste of money? I believe so and I believe They need to develop new strategies to figure out how to make it a lot more impactful, such as making it more interactive to help keep new employee’s attention. However, when discussing the most memorable and in my opinion the best training I have had personally we have to discuss my current employer. For my training they sent me to paid seminars where we listened and got to interact with speakers and ask questions. They also handed out free merchandise for coming. The reason why I believe that this was so effective is because of how much the employee’s enjoyed it. I walked away with a large amount of knowledge about the company and it’s goals and I believe that made me want to work harder for the company because it made me feel like a valuable asset. This is how training should be conducted in order to achieve high company morale as well as keeping production high within the company.

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