Trying to do Enough

Now that the project is properly starting, a new issue has arisen for me. Our project is a web app with some basic back-end routing and page navigation. Part of the reason we chose this app as our project was because we had a group member whose job was somewhat similar to what we would be doing while creating this project. While this has been very helpful in speeding up the process of finding out what tools we will need and what tasks we need to finish first, it has unfortunately left me fearful that I will not be of great use on the project.

I worry that for every task I complete, my more experienced teammates will be able to complete two tasks. What’s worse is they are really nice about it. Super patient and understanding. If I take a little longer to do something, I guarantee they will be super-chill about it as long as I’m putting in an honest effort. While I certainly prefer this to the alternative, it does leave me feeling like I might be slowing the whole team down.

It’s a bit of a ridiculous concern at this stage. We just made a ‘hello-world’ page, but it’s for sure something I’m going to need to deal with in one way or another throughout this term. Hopefully I’m able to find a niche where my skillset working with our database (Firestore), helps speed the project along. Maybe I’m good at something I don’t know about yet. Time to find out I guess.

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