Jury Duty and Snatcher

So I got called into Jury Duty, and have a million other assignments to finish up. This blog post score will be dropped so this is all you’re getting unfortunately. I don’t have time to edit. So here’s a bunch of nonsense about the game Snatcher.

Last month my friend and I played through Snatcher on a SegaCD emulator. The SegaCD version is the only English version and let me tell you, getting a SegaCD emulator working properly on a modern PC is quite tedious. Once we got it working though, I played through the whole thing and have almost nothing to say about it. It’s actually the first Hideo Kojima game I’ve ever finished. I’ve made a few attempts to get into Metal Gear Solid, but never broke through.

I do like that the game often gives you the option to smell things (a sense often overlooked in videogames), however this option is usually given to smell empty rooms, or you’re secretary, and I don’t really like either of those options.

There’s also a woman who has a cat that has been genetically altered to also be a handbag, which is apparently so commonplace that our main character’s reaction to seeing this is, “I’m not really into animals”.

Other than that, I do not have the proper Hideo Kojima context, nor the proper ‘games from the late 80s’ context to say anything meaningful about this game. Maybe it’s influential, I wouldn’t know. All I learned from it was Hideo Kojima likes Bladerunner a whole lot.

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