Never mind, I’m Doing Enough

Okay, last week I lamented about how I don’t know node.js super well and felt like I wouldn’t be helpful to the group. Come this week I’ve realized that there is plenty of stuff to do that has nothing to do with node.js. I got our Github repo connected to the Google Cloud server, I was able to recreate our ‘schema’ for our collections in a Firestore Database, while my other group members worked on some react components.

The biggest thing I struggled with was deploying the server, but luckily both of my group members have taken/are taking OSU’s cloud class, and so they feel confident they should be able to deploy fairly easily.

This worked out because I was able to get some stuff done, and now I can use my group’s other code as a base for other pieces of the site that still need to be built. That’s really all I have to say this week. I’m not totally useless. Nice!

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