Pet Dating App

The projects for our class have been given out, and we got our number one choice which is creating a pet dating app. By this we mean a user can create a profile that shows all the different pets up for adoption and an admin can add pet profiles to the database so users can see. There will also be a newsfeed for newly added/adopted pets.

Our team met and discussed whether we should make a mobile app or a website, and we decided on a website since we feel confident we could simply make the website mobile friendly if need be. We will be creating the app using Node because we’ve all used it before, and one of our group members has a lot of experience in it. We will be using Google Firestore to keep track of our database because me and one of my teammates have used it in our Mobile Development class.

Right now we’re finishing up a Google Doc of all of the tasks we need to complete and later today we’re meeting to look through it and figure out what has to get done first. Then we can organize our Trello board, assign tasks and we’ll be off to the races!

Future post should be a little more exciting with actual code and technical progress, but hopefully this give a decent overview of what we will be attempting to create.

Also if we finish early, I might get to create an algorithm to find you the right pet. I hope we do. I like algorithms.

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