Best Companies to work for and it’s HR practices

Human resource management is about keeping the employees happy and maintaining a good relationship between the company and its employees, today we will look at three companies from the “2020 Fortune 100 best companies to work for” and analyze what makes these three companies stand out from the crowd and earned the respect from their employees.

The first company that made it to the list is Wegman Food Markets, with 70% of their employees working 2 years or more, we can comfortably say that they have great HR practices that can retain their employees for much longer, some of the employees report that the company made employees feel welcomed, and some say that the job provides great community responsibilities and some say the work environment is very good. Many of these aspects that employees are positively reporting fall into compensation and reward & employee benefits.

The second Company that made it to the list is Cisco, a tech company based in San Jose, California, with 79% of its employees working 2 years or more, especially in an industry where companies are fighting for the best employees to keep in a limited pool of talented people, Cisco HR definitely won on this one, some perks include being able to take time off when needed and the management is honest. All of these sets of values provide great employee retention.

The third and final company that made it to the list is Salesforce, with headquarters based in the heart of San Francisco and is the tallest skyscraper in San Francisco, the physical working environment is vibrant and innovative, instead of putting employees into cubicles, the companies aim to provide enough natural sunlight and resting space for employees to enjoy. this shows that the company cares about the employee’s health and safety and it’s definitely a niche focus.

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