The Last Hurrah

As this is going to be the last blog post, I’ll use it to reflect on the project and what I thought could have been done better.

My biggest regret for this project is that I didn’t choose a group before the term began. In doing so I could have had finer control over the project I ultimately worked on, as well as being able to have some certainty on the size of the team I end up with. Having five members in the group made it really challenging to get all the work done. I know that sounds silly, because at first glance more people should translate to more code, but it didn’t end up that way because having so many group members led to a lot more administrative snags.

I also generally dislike group projects. I think at best work should be done in pairs, or done solo. As a novice programmer, having total control over a project allows me to interact with the entire codebase, as well as control over the tools and frameworks that end up being used.

In this project in particular, I think our choice of Flutter for a mobile AR game was ill advised. ARCore for Flutter isn’t particularly robust, and I’m still running into trouble with the implementation. I’m hoping I’ll have something ready to go by the end of the week, but everyone has been stymied by it. Between ARCore and finishing all the backend to frontend integrations, we have our work cut out for us.

Either way, it’s almost over and graduation is near. Can’t believe it’s been 3 years.

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