Crunch Time

I was able to get the login screen working in a robust fashion. There’s logic behind the menu screen now, and when a user is not logged in, certain buttons only available to logged in users are automatically disabled. I was also able to develop a quick series of screens to represent a basic tutorial. So far, so good.

We’re still a bit behind though. A core requirement of our software is to allow for the use of augmented reality, but the roadblocks there have been intense. There just doesn’t seem to be a robust solution for ARCore in flutter. There are third party packages that may help, but there’s still a lot of confusion and roadblocks in this area. Part of my responsibility this week will be to investigate ARCore and see if I can help my teammates with development.

Despite it all though, I’m feeling excited. Less than a month to go before I finish this capstone and I graduate with a computer science degree. Three years has really flown by quickly. Maybe it’s due to the pandemic, but the last two years in particular have gone by in a flash.

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