Growing Pains

The team met for the first time this past Sunday. After a brief introduction, we ended up working through the Team Standards document that was due on Monday. I don’t think we’ll have any problems from a personality standpoint. Everyone seems committing to seeing this through, if for no other reason than to finally graduate from the program.

Initially we made the decision to program the Math Go! game using Flutter, but upon further investigation I wasn’t so sure that using Flutter was going to end well for us. In the middle of the week I floated the possibility of using Unity to program the game instead of Flutter, if only for the potential advantage of using a proper game engine for a game. The risk with taking this path though, is gaining familiarity with the Unity tools as well as C#, which is the scripting language Unity uses to program game logic.

I expect a thorough discussion this weekend about our SDK choice. Time is limited though, and with such limited time, I hope we make the right decision in the end.

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