In the beginning…

This will be the first of a series of posts chronicling the journey of completing the capstone project for Oregon State University’s Computer Science degree. I must admit that the task ahead feels slightly daunting, as the usual scaffolding provided in a typical course is not available.

Coming fresh off of the completion of CS 492 (Mobile Application Development), I think it’ll probably be best to pick a mobile application for the capstone project to reduce the amount of time it’ll take to get up to speed. I narrowed it down to the following five projects:

  1. Math Go!
  2. Mobile Treasure Hunt
  3. Betchya
  4. Dating app for animal adoption
  5. Software Programming Quiz

Projects 2, 4, and 5 are self explanatory. Math Go! is an interesting take on the Pokemon Go! concept, substituting math problems as the condition for capturing monsters instead of battling between Pokemon, like you would in a typical Pokemon game.

Betchya is a mobile sports betting application specifically for Indian casinos. As a resident of California (we’ve got a lot of Indian casinos), this is a really practical application that I personally find very compelling.

I’m pretty tempted to move Betchya to the top of the list, but I’m a little concerned that I might end up biting off more than I can chew. Do I go for it anyway? Stay tuned…

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