Now that week six is underway, I have turned in the midpoint report and video demonstration. I can say that I am pleased and we have made great progress. Our next task is to update the UI, host the server, and implement the AI.
Besides the project, I am beginning to prep for interviewing when the term is over. I am reading Elements of Programming Interviews in Python. The book goes over data structures and algorithms with common questions that are asked during interviews. The authors provide in depth solutions to these questions and explain everything in details. The answers are not just handed to you.
I began using leetcode for coding interview prep. I want to get up to two solutions today. So far I am attempting to finish one per day, but I need to continue to refresh what I learned in data structures and algorithm classes and learn beyond what was taught. Some of these questions are new to me and I need much more practice. If I can get a good grasp of leetcode and understand the book I mentioned, I believe I will have no trouble finding a job in engineering.
I would like find a job to manage and implement databases. The intro to databases class was one of my favorite classes and I enjoyed SQL. I also enjoyed setting up the route servers to handle incoming data and using CRUD to manage the database. This would be an ideal job for me. The future is looking bright.