Levelheadedness in Development

At every skill level in software development, there are people facing problems and frustrations and finding solutions and triumphs. I am here to pose the challenge to prioritizing levelheadedness at every step of the way — through the good and tough times. Each of us would benefit from greater mental toughness, less emotional volatility, and generally a wider perspective on the projects we are working on.

I find it hard to come up with topics for a blog like this one where I would pose as an expert on any given technical topic. I am new to this tech world! So instead, I come here with my outlook as a participant in the journey of being a software engineer full-time. I am no expert, but I am a participant.

The most obvious grievances about a profession in software development come to me in the hard times. I find myself doubting my ability to resolve problems, meet deadlines, keep good posture, or help a teammate with their problems. A level-headed approach to frustrations is key to productivity and sustainability. In these difficult moments, I remind myself to make sure my base needs are met — Am I hungry? Maybe it is time to take a lunch break. Am I having a hard time focusing? Going for a walk is good for the soul and great for finding solutions you could never have thought of in front of the computer. A hugely important tool in frustrating moments is the ability to reach out for help (to teammates, forums, or even emotional support from friends and family). Mostly, remember not to catastrophize (I think I am making up this word) the situation.

The flip side to these grievances are the moments of success and satisfaction. These moments deserve to be praised, but they should not be required for self-worth as a developer. Instead, look for moments of appreciation in the lifestyle of software development. The ups always come with downs and vice versa. We can all find more moments of gratitude and fulfillment in this career if we focus less on the emotional rollercoaster of being a rockstar developer and more on levelheadedness.


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