Healthy coders

In my head, the biggest existential threat to my career as a software developer is being unhealthy as a result of this (frequently) sedentary lifestyle. I recently started full-time work as a coder and already feel the aches and strains in my back from long hours at my desk. However, mental health is also equally or even more important to monitor for longevity in software development.

Physically, my vices during a day at the desk are poor posture in my neck and upper back and also taking breaks on my couch when I feel tired at my desk. Working from home has many positive aspects, but having my couch next to the desk is not great for my physical health. I am going to go for more walks outside during my breaks instead of resting. I think that walking is likely the greatest habit for health that the general population of coders can benefit from physically and mentally.

Another habit I am building to become a healthier coder is staying active several days a week outside of work. I am choosing to make friends and invest in hobbies like weight-lifting, rock climbing, running, and skiing because I know prioritizing physical fitness is hugely important to my life as a coder. I look forward to my workouts most days especially after being cooped up inside most of the day.

Mental health is a daily struggle for many of us. I have had my ups and downs and now personally know the importance of being proactive about my mental health. I am looking for a new therapist to see regularly. I hope to go for more walks outside during the work day as the spring rolls around and the weather becomes nicer. And making plans with friends, family, fitness, and in solitude all contribute to improving my mental health on any given day. These mental health goals will make my life as a developer more enjoyable, sustainable, and productive.

I hope that tech companies and all employers realize the importance of healthy workers physically and mentally. We can all benefit from more positive habits in this arena!


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