Characterization of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile of Biofield Treated Multidrug-resistant Klebsiella oxytoca

Klebsiella oxytoca (K. oxytoca) is a Gram-negative pathogen, cylindrical rod shaped, non-motile in nature, and belongs to Enterobacteriaceae family. Klebsiella spp. are ubiquitous in environment [1], but K. oxytoca can be cultured from intestines of healthy humans and animals, oropharynx, mucous membrane and skin. K. oxytoca initially named as Aerobacter aerogens, which was identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae, but recent report classified it as K. oxytoca, on the basis of indole-positive test and ability to grow on melezitose, not in 3-hydroxybutyrate [2]. It is considered as an opportunistic pathogen, as most of the cases K. oxytoca-infected persons remain asymptomatic. However, K. oxytoca is now recognized as an important clinical pathogen in hospitalized patients causing major nosocomial infections in children and neonates [3]. It is reported in many etiological human infections such as urinary tract infection, septic arthritis, bacteremia, septicemia, cholecystitis, soft tissue infections, and most recently in colicky neonates [4-7]. During last few years, incidence of extended spectrum β-lactamase producing multi-drug-resistance (MDR) Klebsiella spp. had increased. Cases of MDR infections had been increased suddenly, which resulted in ineffective antimicrobials treatment. Physicians prefer multiple combination bactericidal therapy against infection instead of a single drug. Recently, an alternate approach called biofield treatment on pathogenic microorganism is reported to alter the antimicrobial susceptibility. Mr. Trivedi possesses unique biofield and his treatment (The Trivedi Effect®) is well-known to change the various physiochemical characteristics of metals and ceramics [18]. In addition, his unique biofield treatment has considerably altered the antimicrobials susceptibility and biochemical reactions of pathogenic microorganism [19,20]. In agricultural science, biofield treatment altered the growth, characteristics and yield of important medicinal plants [21]. On the basis of several reports on biofield treatment, present study was designed to study the impact of biofield on MDR isolate of K. oxytoca, for its antimicrobials susceptibility pattern, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), along with biotyping based on variation in biochemical reactions.

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One thought on “Characterization of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile of Biofield Treated Multidrug-resistant Klebsiella oxytoca”

  1. The Trivedi Effect seems like a spiritual concept and I am happy to see that how the Spirituality in used in context with the Medical science. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

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