
WEEK 4-Developing and Maintaining Job Descriptions

Job descriptions may be one of the most important elements of a listing when a company is attempting to hire new employees. Typically when a potential hire is reviewing job listings, it is likely that the main section they are focusing on is the description. These descriptions are typically broken down into tasks, goals, skills, and salary for the position. It is essential to include all necessary responsibilities associated with it to ensure the potential hire is aware of everything that is required for said position. The best way to entice potential employees is to include all the benefits associated with the position.

It is important to continue updating these descriptions to prevent any lawsuits from occurring due to false job descriptions. This can occur if a claim is filed against your company due to an employee completing a task that isn’t on the job description. After reading the article titled “Job Worth Doing: Update Descriptions” I found out that it depends on the agency involved with the claim. However, your company can still get punished for not having an up-to-date job description. “If you have a measure of performance that doesn’t appear on the job description and you have a case brought against you, depending on the agency involved, there could be punishment” (Michael R. Kannisto, Ph.D., SHRM)

The main challenge associated with job descriptions is ensuring everything is up-to-date and accurate whenever a new change or addition is made to an employee’s position. This can be a tedious task that would need consistent review to ensure everything is accurate. Without this accuracy, there is a risk of a claim being filed that could create a lawsuit against a company, and no one wants to deal with that!


Tyler, K. (2018, April 11). Job worth doing: Update descriptions. SHRM. Retrieved July 17, 2022, from

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