Oregon State University|blogs.oregonstate.edu

Week. Who knows.

  February 4th, 2022

We are in the thick of it now. We are getting data into databases. The logical flow of how the data will move around the site is starting to gel with everyone on the team (I think).

Now it is the hard work of getting everything to work together. And every page created. And then the even harder part of getting it to all look even close to “good enough.”

Our sponsor is someone who is much more “big picture/conceptual” thinker and hasn’t been able to help us in our technical exploration or really been extremely clear on what or how he would like the site to look like. As a result, we are sort of finding our way and we’re going to deliver a product that works, but may be longer on functionality and shorter on beautiful design or real specific details.

We should have probably demanded a more clear design from him at the start, but I feel like if we had spend that much time trying to get him to sort it all out, we would have been 3-4 weeks into the project with no real progress to show for it. 12 weeks isn’t really enough time unless the sponsor has a clearly prepared plan of what they want to see. I just hope we get to the end and have something that is pretty functional and all works together.

Back to the code!

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