Category: Uncategorized

  • Capstone SWOT

    This was my second Capstone project I’ve completed, the first being during the completion of my Mechanical Engineering degree, so I’ll go over the SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) that I think are applicable to this Capstone course. S – Strength I found that one of the best aspects of this class was getting…

  • AI and ME

    For my Capstone project my team is developing a React client for visualizing Fire and EMS call data. These visualizations include charts, heatmaps, and graphs which aim to assist first responder organizations in developing strategies to reduce response time and increase efficiency. ChatGPT has been a large help for me during this project. I have…

  • Hello world!

    A little about me and my journey to here… Before this program I was a Mechanical Engineer. In fact, I even got my first degree from Oregon State in spring 2020 (terrible time to graduate by the way). I had been considering a switch to Software Engineering while I was still a student the first…