Senior Capstone Blog 3

I chose this project because it is a perfect mix of engineering and music, two of the most important things I am passionate about and I can’t live without. I really like how I can finally incorporate my passion into my coursework and that I can work with people who have similar musical passions as I do. Also, the use of Spotify in this project is so cool to see, since I use Spotify every single day. I am also interested in learning how to create an app that can be used in the real world and not as a class assignment. I am currently taking a mobile development course, so I like to think that taking that class at the same time as this class is so helpful! I’ve also never used flutter before, and I’m currently not using it in my mobile development class, so it’s really fun to learn about it and how it can be used to create cool apps.

This project has definitely met my expectations and I enjoy this project and this group so much! I enjoy working with my teammates and they are always so kind and understanding whenever we work together! Also, I’m glad this project is tolerable in terms of the amount of work that is needed to be accomplished by each teammate and how each teammate can take their time creating each portion of the app. I also like how our sprint meetings occur every week and how my teammates and project manager get along pretty well! I like the work environment that I’m in when I’m working in this team and I can’t wait to continue working with them and complete this project together!

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