Senior Capstone Blog 1

Hi! My name is Tanya and I love music! I’ve been involved in music ever since I was a kid. At this point in my life, I consider music to be a way of life and that I can’t live without it. When I found out about the Music Affect Data Collection App,  I was so excited to be a part of this project that I quickly chose it to be my first choice. As a music lover, I am obsessed with all artists in all musical genres such as Elvis, Dolly Parton, Ariana Grande, Beyonce, Kiss, Fleetwood Mac, Queen, Abba, Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, the Beatles, and many others.  A funny fun fact about myself is that whenever I’m with my friends, I’m always the DJ when I’m in a car with them, since for some weird reason, I can sense what songs people would like to hear, without even knowing what their favorite artists are. I like to think of it as a little superpower that I have!

The great thing about this project is that it is a perfect mix of engineering and music, two of the most important things I am passionate about and I can’t live without. So you can see why this project is perfect for someone like me! I really like how I can finally incorporate my passion into my coursework and that I can work with people who have similar musical passions as I do. Also, the use of Spotify in this project is so cool to see, since I use Spotify every single day. Overall, I am extremely excited about this project and I can’t wait to finish strong with my teammates and showcase what we all have been working on this whole school year!

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