Most Important Thing I’ve Learned

Over the course of this term, I learned a lot about recruitment and selection. I came into this class not knowing much at all about this topic, but now I feel confident enough to describe it to others. The most important thing I learned was the lesson on the implications for Job Seekers in last week’s lecture. These implications like the first one: how we live in a changing world are incredibly important for those of us going into the job market soon. I really liked how it was emphasized that you should stay up to date on technology and that the service industry will continue to be an important force. Knowing about these implications will help me stay competitive in the job market and ensure I earn a high salary. In the next implication about knowing your rights, it was described that there is a time sensitive process of 45 days to report discrimination. I really enjoyed the implication about not being a passive applicant as well. This can be hard to do, but it is well worth the time to build up a network and reach out to places you want to work at. Sending out applications is probably the easier part of job seeking, but actually contacting people, making connections, and doing research on the ideal company is so important. The last implication that I thought was very important was number eight: Learn to negotiate. Negotiation is something that most people do not have any experience with until later in their lives. I recently took a class related to this and it was eye opening to see all of the different things you can negotiate on. Learning this skill to earn what you are actually worth for a business is critical to your future as you began your career.

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