Experiences with Discrimination

After coming across a news article reporting that my favorite company was in a public lawsuit accused of discrimination against individuals that align with myself, my point of view of the company would definitely change for the worse. I would no longer consider that company to be my favorite anymore and would look for the next closest company to purchase similar products from. I would also tell my friends and family what this company has done and convince them to stop purchasing products from them. An event such as this would influence me to cease supporting this company as well. I would not like to work for this company in the future unless I had no other choice. This is because when a company does something negative like discriminating against certain employees it not only affects these employees, but the people who support the company on the outside as well. No one wants to purchase or work for a company that treats people poorly. A recent example that comes to mind is how women were sexual harassed at Activision Blizzard this past year and the many lawsuits that originated from this. The company had so much negative attention that a larger company sought to buy them out. I think that when the lawsuits came out many people decided to stop applying for Activision Blizzard jobs and move on to something better. Whenever a large business makes any decision it affects a very large group of people and the very survival of the business itself.






One response to “Experiences with Discrimination”

  1. Elisabeth Fischer Avatar
    Elisabeth Fischer

    Hi Tanner

    I like that you included an example from real-life that exemplified the feelings that could be generated in a situation like this. I think putting ourselves in situations like this and describing how we would react can differ from what might happen when we are faced with it in real life. While I myself did not come to the extremes of stopping supporting the company in this situation I think that the reactions you described are common in situations like this with people who identify with the group described especially. I also like that you added that you would find a similar place to support that you felt more aligned with because I think this is something that people should consider when conducting business practices. If they don’t do it right the customers will find someone who does! Thanks for sharing!

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