CS467 Blog #2

It has been almost a month since my first post!

I am doing the Crowd-Sourced App with other classmates! We are using React-Native as frontend and Express as the backend tool. I love the idea of using React-Native, and it is my first time to experience the use of this tool.

React-Native allows us to develop mobile applications with both platforms with minimal efforts, and it is similar to React. The development time can therefore be much faster as we do not need to consider the development of the other platform, while having a familiar syntax with React makes the learning time much lesser.

On the other hand, we also decided to use Auth0 for the authentication and authorization process. Considering the applications nowadays, we can login through different social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Google…), incorporating a common authentication tool to our application makes it more market or industry-ready. However, it is our first time to use this tool in mobile application (have implemented in web application in previous course). I am not sure about whether the working mechanism is identical comparing to the previous one! Let’s try and learn the tool in this project!!

Haha! That’s it, we are making great progress and learning new tools from time to time for the needs of the project! See you next time!

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