Time Flies

How quickly college passed by is beyond belief. It seems like yesterday when I was settling into my dorm room, apprehensive and eager for what was ahead. After four years, I’m finally graduating and beginning the next phase of my life.

When I reflect, I see how much my time in college has helped me develop and change. I experimented with new things, joined clubs, and made friends for life. I can’t help but feel like it all happened too quickly despite all of those memories.

The way the academic year was set up undoubtedly contributed to how quickly time seemed to pass. Each year seemed to pass quickly because it was separated into discrete time periods called quarters and semesters. Additionally, there was a lot to do—from attending courses to taking part in extracurricular activities—so it was simple for time to pass quickly.

But I believe that the constant change and development that occurred during college is what made time seem to be going even more quickly. I was always making new friends, experimenting with new concepts, and discovering my personal identity. Although this process was thrilling, it also left little time for reflection on how much had changed.

I understand that college is just one chapter in a much broader story as I get ready to start the next chapter of my life. While saying goodbye is bittersweet, I’m eager to carry the experiences and knowledge I’ve gathered over my college years with me and build on the foundation I’ve established during this time.

Therefore, even though it seems like college was over in a flash, I know that the memories and experiences will stick with me forever. I’m thankful for the time I spent at college because it helped me get ready for the next adventure life has in store for me.

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