Travel Reimbursement Award

Objective: Graduate student travel to conferences, workshops, or off-campus courses is essential for the professional development of CEOAS students. The GSC Travel Reimbursement Award is designed to provide graduate students with financial support to cover part of the cost of actively participating in prestigious conferences and venues, beyond just attending the event.

Reimbursement Details: The purpose of the GSC Travel Reimbursement Award is to provide CEOAS graduate students an additional funding opportunity that is not otherwise covered by the student’s primary source of travel funding. Recently, the number of applicants for reimbursement has exceeded available funding. As a result, the award selection criteria have changed and are listed below. Typically about 10-12 students apply for the award and 3-4 students receive the award, although these numbers may vary between terms. The maximum possible award is $300 for domestic travel and $500 for international travel. The final reimbursement amount will be based on the number of applications and available funds. The GSC Travel Reimbursement funding comes mainly from GSC gear sales.

Eligibility: CEOAS graduate students that actively participate in conference, workshop, meeting, etc. for which they receive only partial or no financial support from other sources, may apply for the GSC Travel Reimbursement Award. In other words, the student must go beyond simply attending an event, and must participate in the event by sharing their scholarly achievements. For example, by a poster or oral presentation, chairing a session, leading a workshop, etc. The conference must also be relevant to the student field of research. Travel awards do NOT cover costs associated with travel to field sites or activities that are a part of your research (e.g., travel to a facility to run samples, travel to conduct interviews, etc.).

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines:

Winter 2018         Friday, March 2, 2018

Spring 2018           Friday, May 25, 2018

Summer 2018       Friday, August 10, 2018

Fall 2018                Friday, November 16, 2018

Winter 2019         Friday, March, 1, 2019

GSC will evaluate applications quarterly, with the deadline for each term being the end of week 8 of that term. This is to ensure that students who are graduating that term can still be reimbursed before they leave. If you are traveling after the deadline, please submit your application the following term. Late applications will not be accepted.

Applications: The student must submit the completed GSC Travel Reimbursement Application Form (Adobe PDF form) and attach a copy of the submitted abstract or submitted product, an explanation of the conference as it relates to the student’s research and professional development (~ 100 words), and all relevant receipts (air travel, conference registration, meals, hotel, gas, shuttles, etc.). Applications must be submitted by the application deadline to the GSC mailbox in the CEOAS Administration Building or submitted.

Selection: Complete applications for the GSC Travel Reimbursement Award will be selected based on:

  • the amount of other sources, awards, and grants
  • active participation (e.g. giving a poster or oral presentation, etc.)
  • attempts at economizing costs
  • previously awarded GSC Travel Reimbursements
  • the student’s stage in the degree program
    (e.g. senior students with no previous reimbursements have priority)
  • relevance of the conference to student’s work

GSC Travel Reimbursement Coordinators:
Melissa McCracken

Jade Bowers
Robert Allan

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