OSU CS Capstone Introduction

Why did you choose to go into Computer Science?

My name is Reid, and I’m currently in my final quarter of the OSU Post-bacc CS program. I chose to study computer science because it’s something I’ve been interested in since I was very young. I started learning to program using BASIC to make text-based adventure games. I ended up pursuing other fields, but about 3 years ago I started learning to code again and decided to study computer science more formally and make a career shift into the field. I’m really looking forward to working on the capstone project because I find that building real projects is the most effective way to learn. I’m hoping that I gain some experience in software design/planning and project management, along with the new technical knowledge I’ll surely have to acquire in order to successfully develop the project itself.

Why did you choose the projects you did on the survey? What makes them interesting to you?

I haven’t been assigned to a project yet, but I’m really hoping to get to work on my own proposal, which is a project management app designed for small, service-based businesses. This app would allow users to create quotes, manage projects and track client payments. I really enjoyed using Flutter to create cross-platform apps in Mobile Development, and I want to have a chance to develop these skills further. My second choices are the emergency response app and the animal shelter app. I like the idea of creating something that could potentially be used in the real world, and the possibility of working with an experienced mentor in the case of the emergency response app.

I also thought about working on the audio looper project. My previous career is in music technology education and music production, so I find this topic particularly interesting and I feel that I could contribute valuable design ideas, since I’ve used programs like this in the past. However, I decided not to select this as one of my preferred projects because really want to focus on more business oriented development. Audio development is a very small, saturated niche, and I want to develop more employable skills. Maybe I’ll look into audio development sometime in the future just for fun.

Are you worried about working in groups? If so, what do you plan to do to make this experience better?

You often hear people speaking negatively about group work, but I’m looking forward to working in a group during the development of the project because I believe that most projects in industry involve working with a team. As long as we make sure to communicate, be proactive and stay ahead of deadlines, group work can be productive and stress-free.






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