MGMT 448 / Week 10 – Blog Post: Most Important Thing You’ve Learned

The most important thing I’ve learned in this class is the topic about negotiations and closing. We learned that negotiators are often good sales people as well because much of the art of the negotiation process comes down to how well you can sell the position to a reluctant applicant. I also thought the topic about the five F’s was interesting because they are ways to sell the position to reluctant applicants. The five F’s stand for fit, family, freedom, fortune, fun. When negotiating with your candidate of choice it’s advisable to consider how the job might appeal to them on multiple fronts because what really matters in choosing a job is different to different people. Fit refers to the connection people have between the company or position and what the applicant values are. Family is your way of taking into consideration the broader context of a job change and how it might have an impact on your candidate as a whole. Freedom refers to the level of autonomy the candidates will have in making their own decisions. Fortune is where you will take a moment to discuss the stability of your company and the financial upside for the applicant in particular. Fun describes the work environment in the personal relationship that the candidate will have with their colleagues.Other important aspects that are motivations to the organization involved in the negotiation process is filling the position, hiring the best person, and saving the company money. It is also important in the negotiation process to determine your target and walk away point. Knowing when to walk away is crucial to your goals and success. A key point we also learned about in the negotiation lecture is that knowledge is power, which can be a good tool to use throughout life. All of these points have been very beneficial to me, and I will continue to use them throughout life.

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2 responses to “MGMT 448 / Week 10 – Blog Post: Most Important Thing You’ve Learned”

  1. Hi Stevie, first of all thank you for sharing your own reflection toward what you have gained in taking this class. I do believe that there are a lot of new things that we can gain from this class and one of them is negotiations and closing as you mentioned above. Where, from the material we can learn that some important things to do the negotiation as an employee when we are in the recruiting process toward the employer. It is because we want to make sure that the job security, benefit and the job itself is what we want as the reason why we apply to the job and there is no huge gap between the our expectation and the reality of the job.

  2. Hi Stevie,
    I also had never thought about negotiators being good salespeople. When you think about it though it makes complete sense. I also agree about having a walk-away point. That is something that I learned through conversations with coworkers who have gone through the negotiation process. However, it is tough when you get to that point to actually walk away, especially when it is a position that you really want.
    Great job this term!

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