A situation in which I engaged in a set of behaviors due to compensation being a motivating factor is when I got a raise at my current job that I’ve been at for about 3 years. I had been paid minimum wage for a good two years after starting this job, and figured it was never really going to change until I left and got a new job. My effort towards this job stayed pretty consistent, and I mostly did the same tasks/duties daily. When wages started going up after the pandemic for minimum wage jobs, and mostly everywhere was paying $14 an hour; my wage was also bumped up to $14/hour. This was nice, and seemed like so much more to me when it really wasn’t that big of a change. I wouldn’t necessarily say that my effort towards my job changed after this wage increase, because $14 really is the new minimum wage; and companies wouldn’t be able to keep help if they paid the true minimum wage of $12 something an hour. Although, a few months after this wage increase, I received another raise; which is now $16 an hour for a minimum wage duty/type job. I felt really good about receiving this raise and really stepped up my effort to fit the pay scale better in my opinion. My boss noticed this and applauded me, and the raise of compensation really did make me feel more motivated to do a good job.