Post 1 – Finally here!

Hello! I’m Megan. This blog will track my to-be-determined OSU CS Capstone project. It feels very strange to be this close to graduating from the program, but I’m really excited for the capstone course. 

For a bit of context, I live in rural Texas outside of Austin. We moved out of the city in 2020 because COVID made the suburbs feel absolutely crammed with humans. Out here it’s crammed with deer instead. 

Before OSU, I worked in a patchwork of software support roles; QA, implementation, data management, support, success. I always wanted to actually solve the problems and implement the fixes, rather than be on the sidelines; hopefully this degree will help me get started with that! I’ve started applying for engineering jobs, but so far it’s rough out there. I’m trying not to worry about things outside my control and keep my focus on this last quarter.

In addition to taking Capstone, I’m taking CS450 and the Codepath Android course. (Both of which are great–if you have a chance to take the Codepath course post-graduation, I’d highly recommend it.) I’m also a 271 ULA, which is one of the things I’ll really miss after graduation.

 On the capstone projects front, the cloud-based fire department app really caught my eye. It’s the right mix of data pipelines and cloud implementation, and I’m hopeful that I’ll be accepted. If you’re interested in this one too, I’d love to work with you!

In my off hours we’re working on some remodeling projects. I managed to mess up my back yesterday moving a door, so today is for coursework and coding. Next week I’m planning to take everything out of my office and repaint it, because one of the walls is an intense shade of green. Electric chartreuse, and not in a good way. Even my cat is vaguely offended by it. 

Thanks for reading, and see you in the next post!

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