Mission Statement

Student Services provides a range of co-curricular programs and services promoting social, personal, and academic well-being.


INTO OSU provides a range of services to support students’ language study and enhance their OSU experience. For new students there are several orientation sessions as well as city and campus tours. Students are also given a 24-hour emergency telephone number that can be used to ask for assistance at any time of the day or night. Other student services include a conversation partner program, a tutor program and a wide range of trips, parties and other out of class activities such as movie nights, welcome receptions, and the end of term party. In addition, the student services team helps students connect with campus-wide events such as dances, sports and cultural events.

Student Services is based in room 175 in the ILLC.
Julianna Betjemann, Director of Student Experience

Lauren Dodd, Student Services Manager

Student Care & Conduct
Colleen Seeber is our full-time Student Care & Conduct Coordinator. The INTO OSU Student Care and Conduct Coordinator is here to support and assist students with their transition to INTO OSU. She can help if students are experiencing concerns or difficulties in or outside of the classroom, are homesick, have questions about a university policy, and much more. She welcomes you to come by if you have concerns about a student, and welcomes students to stop by and talk. Her office is in ILLC 175 (students should be referred to the ILLC Welcome Desk to arrange a time to meet Colleen). She can be reached at 541-737-2409 and Colleen.Seeber@oregonstate.edu.

Trips & Activities
Rylan Wall coordinates a variety of trips and activities for INTO OSU students. All trips and activities are advertised during orientation, on our Facebook page, via email and at the ILLC Welcome Desk. Students can ask questions and sign up for trips at the ILLC Welcome Desk. There are designated times for sign up for each trip. These dates are all available on the activity calendar for each term, available at the ILLC Welcome Desk, and the Student Info Depot (click here).

Conversant Program
The Conversant Program is open to Pathway and Academic English students. Students sign up for the program at the beginning of the term and are matched with a native or fluent English speaker, usually an OSU student. Students will meet with their conversant once per week for one hour for the duration of the term. The time and activity is determined by the student and their conversant. For more information, email Rylan Wall (Rylan.Wall@oregonstate.edu).

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