Network switches and cablesEver have problems talking to a tech-geek or a computer nerd? Are you mystified, dazed and confused when you hear terms like HTML, PHP, Codec or Dynamic IP? Sometimes it’s like technology has it’s own language, and well, it does.

I feel your pain.

Fear no more ye technically challenged! I’m starting this blog to help all you non-techies and techno-phobes out there to understand technology in simple, user friendly terms. No geek-speak here.

So, stay tuned to hear more about how to use technology and simplify your life, not complicate it. Trust me, it’s not that bad…really!

Oh, and if there’s something tech related that you would like me to cover here, just let me know and I’ll try to cover it here.

Victor Villegas
OSU Extension Technology & Media Support Coordinator

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