Welcome to Sowing and Growing

I’m so glad you’re visiting my little corner of the Oregon State University digital ecosystem. In this space, I share my experiences of and thoughts on the complexities of, well, being:

  • a thoughtful leader of the OSU Extension Master Gardener program.
  • a responsible steward of a garden in Eugene, Oregon.
  • a human being living and working in community with others, in an age of wicked problems and multiple existential threats.

Everything I write or share here represents my thoughts as an individual. I’m not speaking with my official title of the Statewide Manager of the Oregon State University Extension Master Gardener Program. Nothing I write here should be construed as representing the policies or positions of either the Master Gardener program or Oregon State University. That said, I hope my posts give you some insight into my thinking and approach to the Master Gardener program.

If you have any questions or comments for me, feel free to email me at leslie.madsen -at- oregonstate.edu. I receive a lot of email, so please be patient with me as I wade through my inbox to read your thoughts. I look forward to connecting with you!