A few interesting resources and interesting websites

The National Integrated Drought Information System has launched a redesigned U.S. Drought Portal (www.drought.gov). The portal has some new features:

  • Drought conditions down to the city and county level where you can see current conditions, key indicators of drought, outlooks and forecasts, and historical drought conditions. 
  • Historical data and maps, including U.S. Drought Monitor data going back 20 years, standardized precipitation index (SPI) data going back 125 years, and paleoclimate data (e.g., from tree-ring analysis) going back 2,000 years.

The Oregon Wildlife Conservation iNaturalist Project allows you to share your wildlife observation data directly with biologists. Even if you can’t identify what species you are looking at, odds are that someone in the iNaturalist community can. Participation in this project helps to enhance our understanding of wildlife in our state, and your data can help improve wildlife conservation efforts in Oregon. Oregon Wildlife Conservation iNaturalist Project

Free-to use Timberaid website. Wood science students at OSU developed a free-to-use website https://www.timberaid.com/ to help with your woodworking projects. Tools include calculators for wood shrinkage, moisture content, specific gravity and density.

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